SCIWISDOM.COM ติดต่อผ่านไลน์ (Contact SCIWISDOM by LINE Application)

For customers who is considering to request for OEM with SciWisdom (Science Wisdom Co., Ltd.), please kindly find more detail and contract information as below.
In case you have any question, please contact us directly from below:
TEL: (66) 02-005-6732
LINE ID: @sciwisdom
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

OEM Flowchart

(Please click for larger image.)

General Information

Details of Term of Agreement
Science Wisdom Co., Ltd. will not summit documentation for FDA approval for cosmetic from other sources.

Packaging Expense
(Customer can either choose packaging container from Science Wisdom Co., Ltd. or choose to provide their own containers, labeling stickers, and/or boxes, which needed to be deliver to Science Wisdom Co., Ltd.)
1. Packing into jar, bottle or other wide open mouth containers
- Packing into container: 3 Baht per Piece
- Labeling Stickers on container: + 2 Baht per Piece
- Packing container into box: + 2 Baht per Piece
- Shrink film: + 2 Baht per Piece
2. Packing into small mouth tube such as foam tube and BB tube.
- Packing into container: 5 Baht per Piece
- Labeling Stickers on container: + 2 Baht per Piece
- Packing container into box: + 2 Baht per Piece
- Shrink film: + 2 Baht per Piece

Procedures of Submitting for Food and Drug Administration Thailand Approval
(Please fully read all the details for a quick and efficient in processing all documents)

A. Applying for Business Registration Number
Documentation Required:

1. Registering for Private Individual
1.1 copies of personal Identification Card. 2 pcs.
1.2 copies of House Registration 2 pcs.
1.3 copies of Proxy form and Operator Number (send by email) 2 pcs.
1.4 copies of Customer business location map 2 pcs.
1.5 copies of Drawn structure within the premise for the manufacturing and storage map 2 pcs.

2. Registering for Private Individual + Brand Name
2.1 copies of personal I.D. Card. 2 pcs.
2.2 copies of House Registration 2 pcs.
2.3 copies of House Registration 2 pcs.
2.4 copies of Proxy form and Operator Number (send by email) 2 pcs.
2.5 copies of Customer business location map 2 pcs.
2.6 copies of Drawn structure within the premise for the manufacturing and storage map 2 pcs.

3. Registering for Juristic Person
3.1 copies of Juristic Person Registration Certification (in case of the applicant is Juristic Person) 2 pcs.
3.2 copies of Commercial Registration License (in case of the applicant is Juristic Person) 2 pcs.
3.3 copies of Proxy form and Operator Number (send by email) 2 pcs.
3.4 copies of Customer business location map 2 pcs.
3.5 copies of Drawn structure within the premise for the manufacturing and storage map 2 pcs.

B. Product Registration Requirement
Please supply us below information for new product registering.
1. Brand Name (Thai / English)
2. Product Name (Thai / English)
3. Container physical description
4. Container size
5. Picture of the container

Need to Know Information

1. Applying for business registration license will ONLY occurred at the FDA Thailand. In 3 years, the customer will be notified by the FDA about the fee payment and which bank you can transfer with.
2. Customer can check their Notification Receipt on this website:
3. Notification Receipt number can only be use with the registered product. It cannot be use with other cosmetic product with a different formula, trademark name or product name. If violated, the cosmetic will be considered counterfeit which could lead to the product license and business registration license being revolt and/or penalization following the governing Thai regulation.
4. Notification Receipt does not mean the cosmetic product has pass the FDA standard. Notification Receipt only notify the FDA that the product has a Manufacturer and Seller.
5. Notification Receipt number will have 13 digits, but it is not the traditional FDA 13-digit number. Cosmetic product does not have the same number notation as food and drug products.
6. Using Notification Receipt number as the FDA number with FDA symbol will be considered as a violation.
7. The Brand and Product names have to be accurate; informing about the chemical, properties, style and/or type of the product, shall be judge be these:
7.1) Brand and Product name both in Thai and English must sound and have the same meaning.
7.2) Does not exaggerate the product properties or impolite.
7.3) Does not contain any information which could result in a serious misunderstanding.
7.4) All information must be ethical and in keeping with Thai cultural norms.

Words that cannot be used

1. Words referring to treatment therapy; Cure, Healing, Medicated etc.…
2. Word referring to anti-bacterial; Antiseptic, Disinfectant etc.…
3. Word referring to health; Slender, Shaper etc.…
4. Word referring to product intake; Injection, Implant etc.…
5. Words referring to Chemical; Hormones, Estrogen etc.…
6. Words that could lead to understanding of medicine; Botox etc.…
Allowed Words Use
1. Words that use ingredient incorporate into trade name or product name; Vitamin C which mean the product has Ascorbic acid.
2. Whitening/lightening/brightening when the ingredient has chemical in AHAs group for protecting UV light (Sun Light) as an example.
3. Lightening/Brightening when product is for skin cleaning, for example, cleansing foam for facial, product for cleaning face or product for scrubbing facial skin.

Information about Notification Receipt of FDA
Science Wisdom Co., Ltd. will be the Business Registered Manufacturer while the Trade Name will be the Brand Name of the customer.

In the event that the customer has already received the Notification Receipt but have not order with Science Wisdom Co., Ltd. for more than one year (counting from the last production date) and/or have violated regulation and/or did not follow the Term and Condition Agreement of Science Wisdom Co., Ltd., Science Wisdom Co., Ltd. reserve the right to revolt Notification Receipt without further notice.

Product Label Template

(Please click for larger image.)